Rules, Requirements & More
Section 1.0
General Rules
- Drive realistically Sports Cars + Mountains and Offroad... Not so much*
- Derogatory remarks about: race, gender, sexual preference, sexual orientation, religion, gender identity, etc. will
NOT be tolerated. Whether it’s in RP or ooc - this is not allowed.
- No suicide RP
- Do not metagame (using ooc/external information for in-game situations). This includes stream sniping.
- Do not powergame (using mechanics or roleplaying mechanics that do not exist).
- RDM/VDM are not allowed. Deadly action needs to be roleplayed.
- No exploiting, this includes: AFK farming, abusing in-game bugs, etc. This will result in a perma-ban.
- If you logout while in jail, you will be rejailed if you log back in before your time is up.
- Keep ooc to a minimum unless being spoken to by an admin.
- Combat logging during RP situations is considered FailRP and action will be taken.
- Police/EMS impersonation will result in your removal from the SERVER.
- No stealing of Police/EMS vehicles.
- No stealing of military vehicles.
- You must abide by the NLR.
- You must abide by the Fear RP rule.
- No Cop Baiting.
Section 1.1
MUST FULLY understand English and be able to speak English as well.
MUST have a working, clear sounding, headset (no feedback allowed from speakers/microphones).
MUST read and agree to all of our community rules and regulations.
MUST show respect to both players and staff/administrators at all times!
Section 1.2
Advertising any other community, business, clan, discord, TeamSpeak, Channel, Twitter etc is prohibited within this server without written consent from the Owners, and or Admins within FadeRP.
DM Advertising is not punishable and DM Privacy is the responsibility of each user.
The Following disciplinary action may follow based upon the severity and the number of times the issue has occurred.
- Verbal Warning
- Temp Mute
- Kicked from the server
- Ban From Server & Discord
Section 1.3
Spamming the server (including but not limited to emojis, gifs, bot commands, sending multiple messages in a row, tags, and @'s, & mic spam) will result in disciplinary action and may follow based upon the severity and number of times it has occurred.
- Verbal Warning
- Temp Mute
- Kicked from the server
- Ban from Server & Discord
Section 1.4
Nicknames containing inappropriate content, or impersonating (admins, leo, another FadeRP member) is a prohibited offense within this server.
The following disciplinary action may occur and the severity of the offense will be taken into account as well as the number of times it has occurred.
- Verbal Warning
- Temp Mute
- Bot Warning
- Kick From server
- Ban from Server & Discord
Section 1.5
Inappropriate Content
Postings ANY inappropriate content including but not limited to nudity, excessive cursing, pornographic material, etc is prohibited.
The following disciplinary action may follow based on severity and number of times this has occurred.
- Verbal Warning
- Temp Mute
- Bot Warning
- Kick from server
- Ban From Server & Discord
Section 1.6
Arguing or discussing politics, religion, and any other controversial topics are to be avoided within the server. This can cause mass disruption arguments and chaos that is not needed.
The following disciplinary action may follow based on severity and number of times this has occurred.
- Verbal Warning
- Temp Mute
- Bot Warning
- Kick from server
- Ban From Server & Discord
Section 1.7
Links that are SFW are allowed to be posted within the server.
We take no responsibility if you open any link. However, if said link contains inappropriate content please report to a Moderator, and or Admin as soon as possible.
Please notify any Moderator/Admin of any issues, or complaints on the server.
Section 1.8
Server Rules
RDM/VDM is a punishable and terminatable offense. What is RDM? Random Death Match, One who commits Murder of another player repeatedly within a allotted time frame of 12 hours. If you are seen in the kill feed without a legitimate RP Scenario notified by Admins, and or server owner.
Where other players are reporting this offense as a FailRP or Situation unknown to them and uncalled for you will be dealt with.
VDM is when a player uses a automotive of some sort and drives into another player causing death or harm. Vehicle Death Match. Just as seen above in the paragraph this too does have consequences.
The following disciplinary action may follow based on severity and number of times this has occurred.
- Jail Time & Warning Administered while in Prison
- Temp Ban 6-12 Hours
- Kick from server & character reset
- Ban From FadeRP Servers indefinite
Section 1.9
Lets keep it realistic. We can't pull a 12 Gauge from Heaven and fire at officers. Pistols work the best. The AR and heavy artillery are left in homes, or cars. Lets not get caught with FailRP while pulling out a assault rifle from your ass. Unless its that big...
Any Kind of Explosive Weapons are Class 4 and Higher. If caught you face federal time and can face serious consequences. I would recommend turning these weapons to the officials if "given" to you...
Failure to do so will result in the following disciplinary action may follow based on severity and number of times this has occurred.
- Jail Time & Warning Administered while in Prison
- Temp Ban 6-12 Hours
- Kick from server & character reset
- Ban From FadeRP Server indefinite
Section 2.0
Once placed under arrest you are given your rights, charges, searched and any illegal substances, such as (Black Money, Guns, Drugs and or other ungodly things found) are seized.
Once seized your vehicle and yourself are placed into custody...
You will be transported to a station, booked and then taken to Boiling Brook Penitentiary for drop.
You will await your time in prison and please leave us a 5 Star Review on Yelp!
While being arrested you may want to do stupid things such as FailRP, shooting a officer while in cuffs, punching, and or getting out of the cruiser. Because we all know how legit that is.
Well that will land you the following.
Longer stays in prison, or you could face other actions such as the following disciplinary action may follow based on severity and number of times this has occurred.
- Jail Time Extension & Warning Administered while in Prison
- Temp Ban 6-12 Hours
- Kick from server & character reset
- Ban From FadeRP Server indefinite
Section 2.1
RP Laws and Orders
FailRP is a short for Fail Roleplay. This means that you've done something that you wouldn't do in real world.
NLR is short for "New Life Rule". This rule states that if your character respawns, you have no recollection of the events leading up to your death. Remember, you're not dead until you respawn. If you're revived you might have some information regarding the events but, remember, this is RP. If you took a few shots to the chest or were hit with a blunt object, things might be a little fuzzy. Play it to the best of your ability and remember that revenge killing is a violation of the NLR rule. If you are having problems with being killed over and over by the same person due to something that happened within RP, contact staff.
Fear RP
Fear RP is a term that means you fear for your life in RP scenarios. If someone pulls a gun on you, you must abide by what they say. If someone has a weapon trained on your person and you decide to run, punch, or pull out a weapon and attack them - you are failing Fear RP. Remember, this is roleplay. Go along with it, you might actually have some fun.
Respect is to be shown to every member of the server as well as those within the FadeRP Community itself at all times. Disrespecting any member, moderator, admin, LEO, or Owner is prohibited within this server.
The following disciplinary action may follow based upon the severity and number of times the issue has occurred.
- Verbal Warning
- Temp Mute
- Bot Warning
- Kick from server
- Ban From Server & Discord
LEO, Fire & EMS Policy
Policy K
Policy K is our Double Clanning Policy!
Current Members who wish to join other communities will be required to submit a short notice to their chain of command declaring their intentions. In this submission, they will be required to include the following:
- The name of the other community.
- Their avatar or callsign on the other community.
- Why they chose to join this other community.
- Declaring whether or not they intend to rise into a ‘staff’ or equivalent position in that community.
Applicants seeking to join the Fade RP that are currently a member of another community will be required to declare their membership in their application.
If they are a ‘staff’ member or equivalent in this second community, they will also be required to declare that in their application.
Applicants who are currently staff or equivalent in another communities will be required to acknowledge that will be unable to earn a staff-in-training rank or higher.
FADE RP @6G-97 Goonies and @1K-01 kingkiller
We are allowed to change the rules at any time. Please be aware of this.